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Some (chain?) grocery store in Asakusa, Tokyo, the first time I visited Japan. I was quite jetlagged and bought these on a whim, and now I love them forever. Sometimes available on Japan Candy Store.
These little tablets are my white whale, my accidental entry into a deep love for Ramune-style candy. For my fellow Americans, these are basically Smarties—powder compressed into tablets. Unlike Smarties, which are pretty hard, these will dissolve in your mouth. I suppose that fizziness is what makes them “Ramune” candy, in that they (gently) fizz like soda. I say “gentle” because these are definitely not Poprocks, the dissolution is much more subtle.
I have not found the Kasugai fruit Ramune candies anywhere in stock, since I first picked them up on a whim in a Japanese grocery store. I had a sinking suspicion that this particular line is discontinued, but they ended up restocking these on Japan Candy Store for a hot minute.