2.5 stars. These really, truly taste aggressively of mushroom. I know they are mushroom flavored, but I’m surprised at how much of that they were able to pack into these chips. Even my betrothed, #1 Fungi Fan, was not super into them, and we picked our way through the bag.
This is the soda of [half] my people, apparently (“The soda five generations of Poles have cherished”), but I’m not so into it. Oddly it tastes exactly like an energy drink to me, but it’s really just soda…
Haldiram’s makes a lot of snacks, one of them being a variety of chikki flavors. I suppose chikki is pretty similar to peanut brittle, though I have not had much of the latter in my lifetime and expect there might be even more sugar content than in chikki. Think a hard/snappy square of nuts and caramelized sugar binding things together.
The absolute best flavor in this variety pack is the sesame flavor, hands down. I would actually love trying my hand at making chikki someday because of this snack purchase. Second best is the one with rose petals in it. Bottom of the heap is the peanut-heavy version (I’m sorry, peanuts, but you are just not a premium nut).
Right before the pandemic hit, my partner, a few friends, and I went to visit India. We stayed with his parents for awhile and were absolutely spoiled with home-made food, then went touring around the Golden Triangle. His parents packed a bunch of snacks for us, most of which I do not remember precisely, though I did enjoy Kurkure Masala Munch. These are exactly like Cheetos in format, just with a masala spice blend.
I do not know what “now tastier” on the packages means: perhaps more spice dust?
These corn chips are the definition of “just okay”. They’re basically giant corn flakes, but they have that distinctive corn-y flavor I often taste in Japanese snacks (Crown C Corn Chips are Korean). Almost as if someone added “essence of corn on the cob”. Anyway, these are fine, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to seek them out.
In comparison to the Vidal Gummy Spicy Mangos, these are perhaps a little too spicy. I would also consider them fairly sticky, more like uncoated jellies than gummies. My main gripe with these gummies is that there are too many orange-flavored candies in the bag. Orange is typically at the bottom of the flavor barrel to me. Give me more peach!
Sweet Mickey’s in Seattle, WA. Also available on Universal Yums.
I first got these on a whim when picking out bulk candies at a local candy store. They’re so good! The gummies look like mangos. They taste like mangos. They have just the right level of spice: enough to make itself known, not so much that you can’t eat a shameful amount of these in one afternoon.
It’s hard to describe, but there’s also a part of the gummy that has a slightly different texture from the rest of it, almost softer and squishier, which makes this even more fun to eat.
I bought these on a whim while checking out District H, which appears to be a subsidiary of H Mart. I had no idea what to expect based on the little cubes on the front of the package. These ended up being something like a blown-up version of a rice-based cereal, coated in a thin layer of powder that has a subtly sweet taste. These melt in your mouth, and I’m realizing from this whole snack journey that I seem to enjoy melt-in-your-mouth snacks where that is unexpected.
Despite having had the grape and apple flavors of Pureral gummies before and really enjoying them (the grape flavor used in Japanese snacks is so good!), I would rate this “two strawberries” flavor as just ok. Somehow it tasted a little more chemical-y to me, maybe a little more matte. How does something taste “matte”? I have no clue.
This might have been a limited edition flavor, because it’s no longer on the site I bought it from, nor on the official Kabaya product page.